breakfast: blueberry chobani w/ 1 tblsp almond butter, coffee w/ creamer & agave (280)
snack: chocolate brownie cliff z bar (130)
lunch: tuna w/ hummus and corn (280)
snack: chocolate covered espresso beans (70)
dinner: rice, fish, leftover chow fun (400)
dessert: coffee w/ creamer & agave, half a cookie (140)
total: 1300
I know second sem senior = worry free. Until I have those acceptance letters, I can't asianness to the extreme!! I gotta keep my grades up, just in case- not easy with 5 AP classes, working on newspaper 3-5Pm every day, preparing for my senior recital, planning fundraisers...T_T
I will keep commenting on blogs, but until April 1st, I will not be blogging. When I come back, it will be under a new blog (probably on wordpress, I can't deal with blogger...).
k, see y'all then!
-The Gurl
Blue Apron Review: Five Years Later
21 hours ago