So I slept at 12. Why? 1) guaranteed snow day. 2) KIM YUNA skated. And she OWNED. She is the QUEEN no one can beat her- srsly i think she'll win gold at every competition she does until she officially retires LOL.
And yes, I had a snow day. Second of the year (and we had a 2 hr delay and an early dismissal this yr too- TOO MUCH SNOW!). It looks like the Ice Age outside. Lots of power outages- I am very GRATEFUL that our power and heat are still on!
so Plan A: sleep in. FAIL. I woke up at 5 with a stomachache :-( So i got up and rewatched Kim Yuna's short program and free skate and the medal ceremony.
I feel really bad for MAO ASADA- she is phenomenal. she just got overshadowed. everyone's saying that she is Salieri to Yuna's Mozart-lots of effort, just not a genius. And the bronze medalist? JOANNIE ROCHETTE. What a heartwarming story. She was phenomenal too. So pretty- and she looks like such a kind hearted person. And her dad was turning red in the stands...:-( <3 I'm so glad she won. She deserves it.
So I got up at 5. Ate bfast at 6:30. Went back to bed at 9. Woke up at 11. Ate lunch, surfed blogs and read random entries, and worked out. For 45 minutes. Without stopping. On resistance. HOLLA!!!!! I burned 370 calories.
On calorie burning- I heard that machine counters are very inaccurate and overcount. So i take 90% of what the machine says. So I burned 419 calories (according to the machine). I took 90% which was 377 point something. I rounded down, just in case (again). Hopefully that's more accurate!
Today's eats: breakfast: 1/2 cup egg beaters, 1/3 cup corn, 1 cup broccoli with 1 tsp olive oil, 1/2 piece toast, coffee w/ agave & creamer, bite of banana (310)
snack: Korean rice drink (90)
lunch: PASTA with Trader Joe's tomato sauce and Trader Joe's turkey meatball, side salad with balsamic vinegar (420)
snack:1 banana, Korean Oh Yes! cake, coffee w/ creamer & agave (270)
dinner: rice, Korean soft tofu soup, 4.5 oz firm tofu grilled, lots of kimchee (430)
dessert: few bites of Cheesecake Factory pumpkin cheesecake, coffee w/ creamer & agave (190)
total: 1710 <------eek! lol
net: 1340
Korean cake + cheescake?!?! today was def a splurge day, not just calorie wise but food-choice wise- lots of refined foods.

(photo from haitaifood.en)
The Korea Oh! Yes cake was a splurge thing- its NOT natural in any way. But it tastes good. Better than ChocoPie. I haven't had it in ages, so I was like, I just burned 370 calories, why not, it's automatic portion control and only 140 calories.
I didn't know we had cheesecake in the house. But was I going to turn down THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY cheesecake?!?! HELL NO. lol. I just had a few bites (and unfortunately, cheesecake is VERY calorie dense. oops. lol)
Before, I would literally nibble, and eat maybe half a bite total, while i wait for everyone else to finish it off.
Not now. now it's more, "GET AWAY FROM MA CAKE!!!" lol =P
and yes, it was yummy.
and yes, I am full beyond belief.